2024 Mid-Year Update

While checking July water meter readings, Nick Kluge distributed the 2023 Drinking Water Quality Report & Water Use Efficiency Report to each member property. We distribute these documents to educate members about our water system and to meet Department of Health reporting requirements. Please review the documents and direct any questions to the HWOA Board or Nick.

In April, our 22,000 gallon reservoir (installed in 2008) was inspected to ensure its continued physical integrity & cleanliness. A submersible drone was used to inspect the interior of the reservoir & a visual inspection was completed for the roof and exterior of the concrete structure. Inspection results showed that the structure is in good condition and simply requires general cleaning of the roof & exterior walls to remove moss which Nick will take care of.  

Also in April, the Department of Health completed their Sanitary Survey (required every 5 years) which includes a site visit of our well houses, pump house & reservoir. We are waiting to receive their written comments but verbal feedback included no major concerns and a couple minor recommendations for our facilities. Thanks to Nick for hosting the DOH and keeping our facilities in compliance and good working order.  

Earlier this year, Whatcom Public Works mailed an oversized postcard to all property owners regarding the upcoming WRIA 1 Water Adjudication which is a legal process to establish water rights in our region. Board members have already attended one webinar on the subject and will also be in attendance at The Grange on July 31 for the LICA-sponsored, town hall meeting regarding water adjudication. HWOA has documentation with the Department of Ecology proving our legal water rights to our wells since October 26, 1970 which will be useful in completing the required documentation. The HWOA Board will complete the court claim paperwork required for the WRIA 1 Water Adjudication process on behalf of all HWOA members so as a property owner & member of HWOA you do not need to take any action.  

Our current DWSRF (Drinking Water State Revolving Fund) loan taken in 2005 for system upgrades will be paid off in October of 2025. The Board is currently researching and planning for future projects necessary to maintain our aging water system.  Our mission is to provide safe and adequate water supply to our members and this requires constant vigilance. To fund these future projects, we will need to apply for another DWSRF (or similar) loan. This planning & funding process takes a significant amount of time and effort from the Board and we appreciate your support in this process.  

Thank you for being thoughtful about daily water usage (particularly during these dry months) and please reach out to any Board member or Nick if you have questions.


HWOA Board

Denise Edgar, President 206-679-0140

Lindy Early-Rosen, Secretary 360-758-7452

Molly Harmoney, 360-758-2642

Charlie Warzel, Website Guru charliewarzel@gmail.com

Robin Cohen, 360-201-8541

Judy Olsen, Treasurer 360-201-8170

Nick Kluge, Water Operator 360-389-7800


2024 Annual Meeting Scheduled